Thursday, December 13, 2007


How do you feel about this last week and weekend death threat actions? Personally I don't think that that was a good way to end our first semester. Now many people and the school thinks that the threat wasn't real, that it was a plot or plan in order to get out of taking finals. Well, i say it wasn't. Why would people go through all of that trouble just not to take finals. Finals have been being taken since the word school was even invented. So why should people think that that prank would make them go away? Honestly!!! Things like threats against the school should be taken serious, not looked at as a joke or bargain to get them out of serious test taking.

Won't forget this class!!!

Well the time is now!! It's so sad, but it must happen. Our class is over for the semester. I have met so many people from this class and I have learned so much. I hope everything goes well for everybody. I will never forget my first semester here, taking this English class. As we get older, we all forget lots of things, but this is one memory I will alwasy cherish. Oh yea that's right Memory!! Lol. Oh well. I didn't know any good visuals to post with this so I decided to post this little clip from Finding Nemo. I love this movie so much, especially this part, and I thought it might go well with memory and forgetfullness. Hope you enjoy. Have a happy holidays everybody. Hope to see you all next year.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Young chimp beats college students?!

It's rather interesting to see that chimps have an advantage in memory over us. There's been a memory test performed with young chimps (age 5) and a dozen human volunteers. Most of us believe that we, as humans, have a more complex brain, therefore that allows us to have a greater advantage over mental activities over our cousins the chimpanzees. Yeah we do have an advantage with long term memory, however, with this test it's been proven that "...when the numbers were displayed for just four-tenths or two-tenths of a second, the chimp was the champ. The briefer of those times is too short to allow a look around the screen, and in those tests Ayumu (monkey) still scored about 80 percent, while humans plunged to 40 percent." -(Ritter, AP Science Writer)

So the Chimps have an advantage with short term memory.

Here's a video of a if not the project:

Devendra Banhart

Devendra Banhart has been one of my favorite artists for a while now. I think that he has done an amazing job at not giving into what labels are looking for. He was born in 1981 and grew up in Venezuela. The genres that his music falls into is Indie Folk, Nu-Folk, and Psych Folk. His songs are not overly produced and seem to always include very natural lyrics. He puts on an amazing show live and has an amazing vocal range. I highly suggest to anyone who enjoys this type of music to see Devendra Banhart whenever they get a chance.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Soulja Boy dancers!!

When I first saw this video I was blown away. I was flustered with many different thoughts and emotions. At first I was like amazed at how those little kids can dance to that song better than I can. Then I couldn't believe that they even knew how to dance to a song like that. They are to young to even have the consent to listen to a song like that. This is a ballet class full of eight year olds. They are not even old enough to know about the birds and the bees. I wonder if the parents even what is going on in this ballet class. If I had kids, I know that I most certainly wouldn't want to them to be dancing to that song nor would I want them to hear it. Growing up as a child my mother wouldn't let my sisters and me listen to anything other than the oldies. Britney Spears was such a big deal back, then. I think that kids these days are exposed to many things to early in their lives and it's not healthy.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Six Flag's Line

Maybe lines have certain perks to them, but you got to admit that you won't see these kind of things happening very often. Either this guy has some problems or just really likes the song. Also, who honestly plans on brining a beach ball to a waiting line for a ride? Its more of a graduation thing, but I guess it also works here to... Anyway, you really don't need lines to dance to a song in public or start hitting a beach ball around. All I know is that not many people enjoy standing in any sort of line whether be at the store for holiday shopping or to buy tickets for some movie/concert. Basically lines sap energy out of you and you can be doing more things than waiting in a line. However maybe it takes waiting in line for an hour or so to push someone into doing something "different" like these:

And this:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Lavell Crawford

Lavell Crawford is basically my favorite comedian. I found out about him 2 years ago while watching Comedy Central. At first, I thought i saw Bruce Bruce (comedian) while flipping through channels. So, being that I like Bruce Bruce, I stopped on that channel and started to watch. Then I realized that the comedian on Comedy Central wasn't actually Bruce Bruce, just a guy that looks like him (Lavell).

Lavell Crawford looks like he's about 400 pounds. Each time he makes a televised stand-up appearance he comes wearing a really nice suit. However, he looks goofy as hell wearing the thing since he can barely fit in it. The guy talks with a lisp and can hardly breathe. Combine those two aspects with his heavy southern dialect and you get one funny voice. Honestly, I don't think Lavell's jokes are any better than any other comedians, but it's his unique appearance and uncommon stage presence that makes him so damn funny. I'll admit that Lavell wouldn't be half as funny if he was a skinny white guy, but he's my favorite comedian regardless.